
Introduction: Supergiant Games appear to have a theme, with games like Hades and Transistor under their belt, it's no surprise that Bastion would come with the same amount of charm and care that its predecessors and offspring would bring. File this game under the "I didn't know I had it but probably came from a Humble Bundle and I'm glad I'm still on lockdown so that I can work through my back catalog and find pleasant surprises like this one" games folder. Taking place in a broken world that tries to rebuild itself one piece at a time, the Kid, along with a few folks he meets on his journey, seek out to reclaim what was once their homes.

The Weaponographist

Introduction: Do you like games like Torchlight and Diablo? Do you like Rogue-like games such as The Binding of Isaac? Well, have I got a game for you! From the creators of Concursion comes The Weaponographist, a game that begins with an arrogant hero receiving a well-deserved curse. Let's go down into this dungeon and see where it takes us.

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